
Opinion: people's issues with cyclists.?

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I'm sick and tired of being regarded as loser because I choose to ride a bicycle. Is it that its part of the stereotypical geek image? Am I seen as a child whose never grown up and graduated to the car? An association with arrogant eco do-gooders who want to force their views on you and look down on car users? Or something else. Just how bad/ universal is this view? Do you hold it? Are you a victim of it? Are you a cyclist who has not experienced this or has manged to counter it (if so please HOW?)? Are you a non cyclist who is more open minded and doesn't have this view? Is there anything I can do to counter image without ditching the bike? What about situations where its more normal and acceptable than others to cycle?

Esp interest in this issue regards women's views of men who cycle. I'd say I don't want to get anywhere near a narrow minded cow who judges a guy based on the size of his engine but are you all like that?

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  1. i think its great what you are doing but most people who take the majority of what you describe are recreational cyclists.  Try to stay with it!

  2. I'm in high school and some of my classmates do occasionally poke fun at me for riding a bicycle around. I still haven't gone and tried for my permit yet, & I'm not in a big rush for it like everybody else.

    I like riding my bike anyway, so I don't worry about whether or not it's a "cool" thing to do.


  3. okay, anyone who rides their bike is like three classes higher than any snooty driver who doesn't even know the front of a bike from the back.  as long as the cyclist isn't being an idiot or really arrogant, taking up the whole road or not obeying traffic laws then i applaud them!!  it isn't fair that some cyclists get a bad name just because of some idiots who think they're cool because they can ride their bike in tight shorts but really have no idea what they're doing!! Keep riding!

  4. who cares about image! just ride! obey the rules of the road, and be a positive ambassador of the sport! some folks we'll win over, some we won't. it's not worth worrying about it, cuz it cuts in to riding time!

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