
Opinions Please! Breast Feeding at aged 7 years?

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There was a lady on television taday claiming she had Breast Fed her Children till they were 7 years old - and then only stopped because the children wanted to.

I am a Mum, but couldn't imagine doing this. Is it wrong? Is it wrong to provide your own milk for your own children?

Personally I think its wrong but can't explain why.

Please let me know your opinions




  1. I do think it's wrong yes, but i'm the same as you i don't know why!!

  2. It isn't normal. It will probably grow up into that Little Britain Charcter who says bitty. Apart from that, what child would enjoy sucking their mother's breast than have proper food? It sounds like abuse to me. It seems like it's more for the mother's twisted benefit, whatever that is.

  3. I think it's ok for families in Africa and other LEDC's

  4. I breast fed my daughters until they were 2 and I will nurse my son until he is two aswell.

    I think up to 3 is okay. But 7? thats just wierd!!

  5. To us Americans it seems ceepy, but in many cultures it is neccesary. Breastmilk is healthy, but after age 1 or 2, t should be pumped and put in a cup in my opinion.

  6. I think it is very healthy for both mother and baby for the mother to provide milk to their babies.  But the key word is BABY.  At 7 it is very wrong and unnecessary.

  7. I don't think it's wrong, unless it was forced. I couldn't do it though. I can hardly continue breastfeeding my 19 month old because of the discomfort from his teeth.

  8. Umm, not technicaly "wrong" but unusual and possibly slightly inappropriate / unecessary in today's society.  Not really my cup of tea!

  9. Why stop at 7 ?

  10. are you serious, that is ridiculous. Yes its wrong till age 7. when they are babies there is nothing wrong with it.

  11. After the age of 5, people are actually not meant to consume dairy products in any form, at all.  And after one year, a women's breastmilk does not have all the nutrients that it once did anyway.  I think seven is way too old to nurse your kid.

  12. Well thats a little sick, but i think that you need to grow out that habit, sorry to say, when your at a young age. Like a really young age.

  13. It's older than normal in this society but in many cultures that's how long mother's breastfeed for. My mom breastfed my sister til she was 4 and only stopped because she was tired of her crawling into bed with her to do it.

  14. yes it is wrong very wrong

  15. This is along the lines of two headed animals and I'm not

    shure what to make of it.It shure as h**l isn't natural but yet

    in a strange perverse extreme way it is.It's just taking things

    way too far in mothering.That part isn't that unusual at all.

  16. I'm still breastfeeding my 19 month old son, so I am in favour of "extended" breastfeeding, but I REALLY don't want to be doing it at 7 years!  I'd be happy to stop now, I'm just having a few problems persuading him to give it up!

  17. EW!!!

  18. I don't think that it's wrong wrong, but I don't think that woman should have breast fed them until they were 7, I mean, I read in the paper about a month ago about a woman getting kicked off a plaine for breast feeding her baby of three years (I believe) and I see nothing wrong with that, however...I would not feed the child breast milk to the age of five. I think it should be stopped at five, atleast. Considering the child should have teeth and be able to eat solid food at that time.

  19. it's called Ethnocentrism; the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture. Ethnocentrism often entails the belief that one's own race or ethnic group is the most important and/or that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups. Within this ideology, individuals will judge other groups in relation to their own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behaviour, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.

  20. i think is way wrong! they should only be drinking that to be healthy babe not 7 year old! its just plain gross!

  21. That is sick!!

    Its fine the first year of the childs life but anymore than that it is disgusting.

  22. This is really wrong not to mention f**king disgusting.

  23. I certainly don't think its right. I think after atleast 2 years old, the mother is doing it for herself, not the childs.

    There is another mother that still is bfeeding her 8 year old and the 8 year old loves it. Apparently she loved breast milk to mangos. (is what she said) they even have names for their mothers b***s and they also draw pictures of them.

    So, when it gets to the point where it start to effect the childs thinking, then yes it is wrong.  I'll find the youtube link to that vid and post it.

  24. It is wrong because it robs the child of his independence.  At this age, it is no longer nutritionally beneficial.  It is just coddling.

  25. I think after the age of 1 it's wrong, under that age is fine, and maybe a couple months after but tops I think is 1 and 3 months!!!

  26. I am completely for breastfeeding, it's natural and nutricious!

    But I think that anything over 3 is a bit weird. What child wantsto see their mother's b*****s??

    Feed away!

    But only to 3yrs.

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