
Opinions about Pale skin??

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I have pale skin, dark blue eyes, and dark brown hair. People are always telling me I'm pale. Yes. I understand that.

So, idk what I'm really asking, opinions, I suppose.




  1. It don't matter! I have pale skin too! Doesn't make u ugly or anything.

  2. i have pale skin too, i actually think it looks better than a tan, they are so unnatural looking.

  3. It's the way you are hun, you shouldn't worry about it. I'm very pale as well; it used to get me down that I couldn't tan while some of my friends went very brown in summer, but now I've accepted it's just the way I am. Don't listen to anyone who criticises you about it, there are certainly worse things to be than pale!

  4. I think pale skin is beautiful, especially with dark hair. Plus your skin will be very healthy when you get older.

  5. I think pale skin looks great on some people. On others, not so much. Unfortunately, I feel like I am one of the people that pale skin does not look good on. I try to keep a good tan during the warmer months, even though I know it is bad for me. I really hope that maybe I will come to like the way I look without a tan. I don't see that happening though.

    I am jealous of people who can be pale and look good. You seem like that type, though.

  6. What's wrong with pale skin? You sound very attractive! I don't get why anyone would comment on your pale skin other than in a complimentary way?

    Blue eyes, dark hair and pale skin is just about perfect :)

    Tanning your skin is literally killing and ageing it, plus it's tacky!

    Wouldn't you rather be a pale skinned beauty than a tanned clone? :)

  7. Tanning oil that you wear in the sun so that you tan more

    there is also spray on stuff that makes your skin naturally turn darker

  8. I love pale skin! I get tan no matter how much sunscreen I wear and I'm naturally kinda dark, but with pale skin you have so many more hair color options! I'm jealous! I think it's beautiful though

  9. i have pale skin too, with brown hair and brown eyes.

    i think pale skin is beautiful.

    even though tan skin is supposedly "in", i don't care.

    for one, i like my pale skin. and two, atleast i'm not going to get awful sun cancer.


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