You .....dispose..of me
with such casual disdain.
Reasons only you can comprehend.
I flail about in search of clues;
bewildered and confused,
I lack something specific to defend.
Ahhh..but when you want me,
words no sweeter have I heard.
caressed by tenderness. I am reduced
to weak-willed puppet, yours alone.
so completely entranced,
and so easily seduced.
It saddens me to realize
resistence is necesary..
to gain the admiration I require.
Only in departure
will I ever truly know
the never-ending gift of your desire.
The choice then is defined as such.
And is mine alone to choose.
I surrender any claims I've had on you.
I own the failure here, I know.
And now, today< I own myself. This...
hardest thing I've ever had to do.