I have a huge decision to make, and will most likely effect my whole life.
My parents immigrated to a different country for a better life, more money etc... I moved with them with my partner and i got pregnant unexpectedly. I decided to stay here for the duration of the pregnancy and birth for the support of my parents.
I now have to decide whether to stay here or go home. I obviously have my daughter to think about right now.
If i stayed, i would know i would be financially stable and me and my partner are better together here (less distractions from his idiot friends at home) but i am miserable in myself. I have absolutely no friends and I'm not the kind of person who just puts myself out there.
At home i would probably have to skimp and scrape for money (which is not the life i want for my daughter) but i know i can get myself out for an education and work etc...which I'm not comfortable doing so in this foreign country.
I have discussed this with my parents and partner and they say I'm an irresponsible parent for deciding to go home as i know i wouldn't be better off with money. Its so easy for them to say this as they all have a life here. I don't.
I have had to leave my old life, and haven't yet moved on. I'm so unhappy and nobody seems to understand.
I want the absolute best for my daughter, but i also want to be happy.
A person can go insane with no friends..Ya know!
As a mother what would you do? I want other opinions without people judging me..
Thanks for listening.