
Opinions greatly appreciated?

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I have asked this question here before but I would feel better if I ask it again.....

I have a 1 year old named Carson. I am pregnant ( due next month) and am leaning toward the name Greyson ( Grey for a nn) . My g-gmother was Grace and the other g-gmothers maiden name was Grey. I love a name with family signifigance (spelling?). Are these names way to similiar or are they cute together. People name their kids in much wilder ways right?




  1. You can name your kids anything you want.. I like the name combination.

  2. Hmm we went through this too - and if you are bothered by the similarlity, you could call Greyson 'Grey" for short.  I think they are both great names!

  3. i think it sounds cute, and its cute to have your childs name a part of someone from both sides, very creative , i say do it

  4. I think it's a cute name and when it has family significance it makes it all the better

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