
Opinions needed.......My boyfriend of 4 years...?

by  |  earlier

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....last Valentine's day, we decided not to get each other gifts due to financial challenges. I truly didn't mind, but I still ended up buying him a card and gave it to him on that day.

His response? " I thought we weren't getting each other anything?" I guess he took our pact 'literally". So I didn't even get a card.

I was pretty upset..He didn't even get me a home made card which would've cost him nothing.

Need opinions..What do you think?




  1. When you say NO gifts that normally means NOTHING.  So thats probally how he took it.  I wouldn't worry.

  2. U did say NOTHING so its ur fault

  3. well, men are dense and we really do take things for face value. when you made the pact NOT to buy anything for each other, he took it that way. he probobly was really happy with that idea, cause I hate buying gifts for my girlfriend, I never know what to get and it gets frustrating.

  4. dont be upset. some men are really literal. If you say dont then they wont. and if you really wanted him to give you anything.. you go first and never say anything about budget. Men are not budget concious.

    if you wanted him to made you a home made card.. say, lets not spend a single cent this time.. but made each other a home made card.. and i guess, this will both make you feel better

  5. Sorry to know about this..

    Does he value you generally ?

    Did he treat you well that day - does he generally treat you well ?

  6. He just took what you two said to heart.

  7. Well, most guys do take things pretty literally.

    My take? Go and check out Lenny Henry on youtube... it's a bit of a "male mind" insight, and if nothing else, it makes you laugh!

    xo Cal

  8. When u tell a guy to not buy you anything then that is what is going to stick to his brain like glue. Girls are different, although we say nothing we mean something small and not too expensive. You might have still expected to get something even though you two decided on a pact and thats what made you so upset.

  9. My opinion is that you probably should have gotten over this by now!

    Some people (men) take what you say literally, so if you don't mean that you don't want anything don't say it, x

  10. If you told him to not get you anything, do not be mad that he went along with your idea. Chances are the fact you got him something anyway after saying you werent probably made him feel crappy..

  11. I would just let it pass, he is a guy and they don't think about stuff, to much. He probably loves you and just didn't think about a card, maybe he wanted to do something special with you.

  12. He's a guy, he thought no gifts mean no gifts. And Valentines Day was forever ago. If he's still with you, he must love you. Let it go.

  13. How old are you? My God, why worry over such small matters. Nothing has happened. Maybe your boyfriend did not give U a home made card simply because he did not get this idea, there is nothing wrong with his love for you. Quit worrying!! Why do you hold do much importance to gifts anyway. Guys usually don't think like girls regarding stuff

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