
Opinions on Globalisation?

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I am currently revising for my globalisation exam and reading a mind numbing piece on cultural globalisation.

Just wonderin if anyone had any views on the issue of globalisation? Everyone seems to be sceptics these days. Any globalists?

Any views welcome.




  1. Here are a couple points on globalization

    If managed correctly, it reduces poverty - look at East Asia - they grew export economies and invested in infrastructure and education, included rural areas, and decreased the number of people living in absolute poverty from 57% to 14% since 1980.  They sustained long term economic and GDP growth for over 30 years.

    It is the only economic tool that will create wealth throughout the world allowing significant reductions in poverty.  The problem is making sure all are integrated into the market and the market is fair.  Nations also are responsible for developing their economy by investing in infrastructure and education (not hoarding wealth and investing in personal accounts in Europe - which is what is happening in Africa).

    Negatives of globalization

    Race to the bottom effect - nations compete for cheap labor by limiting governmental protection for unskilled labor markets

    commodity export nations - vulnerable to price fluctuations - see South American coffee bean export crisis as an example

    International trade protection measures inhibit fair trade - these include subsidies, tariffs, quotas and dumping.  

    IMF and Worldbank lending program restrictions place unnecessary burdens on the political activities of developing nations.

  2. Oh yeah, globalisation is a reality - look at us all talking on the internet, and you might be thousands of miles away.

    I think it's fascinating how the whole world is slowly but surely linking up - it's like humanity is having its first ever global conversation.  I can't wait to see what impact it has on human rights worldwide and the reflexivity of the human race.  Good luck with your exam! :-)

  3. First, globalization is not a contemporary term or concept.  Globalization has been around and enacted ever since the early merchants realized there were markets beyond their borders and horizons.  As such, it is an ancient concept and practice that has, like many things, evolved over the millenia to be what it is today.

    Globalization has been and continues to be an economic model for expansion of goods and services ... in short, the concept simply means buying raw materials (and services) as cheaply as possible and then selling those goods and services for a profit; yes, capitalism.

    If auto mechanics in Detroit are valued at $30/hour for their expertise and auto mechanics in some rural province of China are valued at $0.90/hour, then those companies that can, will do their darnest to "globalize" their market and take advantage of the cheap labor (and all the while rationalize it by saying their giving employment opportunities to those who may not have such opportunities) in China so they can not only sell it to Americans and others, but at the same time enjoyed ridiculously favorable tax breaks for doing so.

    This is a side-bar ... a few days after 9/11 there was an outpouring (justifiably so) for everything "American."  In the span of less than a week I was given six (6) American flag lapel pins ... one evening before heading out to a function, as I went to place the flag pin on my lapel, I inadvertently dropped it.   When I picked it up it was upside down ... and there, much to my utter dismay were the words "Made in China."  Before going out that night, I checked the other five American Flag lapel pins and yep -all had the stamp of "Made in China" on the back ... I have not worn an American Flag lapel pin since.  And yes, I am patriotic.  

    The point is, business owners, governments, entire countries will outsource production of goods and services if they believe they can make a profit.

    As such, in my view, globalization has no buffer for the "have not's" ... in fact, in the countries where the majority are "have not's" other countries (dominant -and typically Western) have plundered and raped the natural resources of these countries under the guise of globalization and the silly mantra of "globalization will raise the standards for everyone."  Really?

    Those people that were earning $2.00/day or less a decade ago are still earning $2.00/day or less today ... the only difference is that there are more of them and the rich resources that once adorned their homeland have been stolen from under their eyes by companies, governments, and individual profiteers.

    As much as globalization was suppose to be some sort of panacea for what ails the world where most of the population of 6.6 billion live in some relative degree of poverty, it has only served to make the few that already had the lion's share of the pie get even more.

    Globalization is just another ancient concept of smoke and mirrors that today enjoys a privileged seat at the world's stock exchanges.

  4. Globalization  is ushering the world into a new era. For example, people who want to start a business has a much broader playing field. Another example would be, the fact that an individual no longer has to travel abroad to make friends in other countries. On the other hand globalization produces unimaginable amounts of information and a lot of this information can and does fall into the wrong hands.

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