
Opinions on Scaling?

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What is your opinion of "scaling"?

For of those you who don't know what scaling, it's using an electronic scale to weigh packs. Because certain rarity cards weigh more than others (due to foil and such), scalers can locate the more rare cards easily.

I know most of you will say this is cheap, but Scalers argue that because prices become very high for certain rare cards (coughCrushCardViruscough), scaling is the only way people with less funds can stay competitive.

Do you agree with scaling?




  1. I think it would be a great idea. How do you do it? Do you know of any forums that explain how to "scale" booster packs? I could easily find the more rare cards easier that way.

  2. Well, back in the day when the best cards (the envoys, yata...) were like $20, it could be frowned upon as a sort of shameful act...but nowadays when the best cards are several hundred dollars, I think it's justified. Especially, with UpperDeck trying to take every penny from us, Dark Armed Dragon was RARE in the OCG! In fact, just compare the OCG and TCG galleries of Phantom Darkness, the amount of rarity changes is simply apalling. Phantom Darkness is not the only set, however. So, I guess I would agree with scaling.
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