
Opinions on a half sleeve tattoo?

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tomorrow I'm going to get a piece done on my right inner part of my arm..but for awhile,I've been wanting to get a half sleeve tat done on my left arm..I've been looking for pictures for ideas but I've come up with nothing...I'm into stars,i have one on my neck,but i don't necessarily want 40 random stars on my prefer to get something that looks better..i was looking at kat von d's arm tattoo and i noticed half of it is sort of like a flower/rose pattern,looks sick,but im not a chick so i can't get that done without being laughed at..well anyone got any ideas or pictures on a good half sleeve tattoo? i want it on my lower part not upper..thanks for any help!




  1. i think that you best bet for a half sleeve would be something either japanese or something from the pacific islands (Hawaii Samoa Fiji)

    Japanese would be more items to view or more different things i guess while the island tats would be more of a pattern

  2. you should draw inspiration from yr life, it'll be much more creative and meaningful but most importantly it'll be totally original and unique

    to only you :]

  3. I love the sea scape's on sleeves.  I happen to like a lot of color though (as long as it's done well).  I wouldn't worry about too much money though.  With tattoo's you pay for what you get.  I'm $1400 in on mine and I wouldn't trade my ink for any cheap artist out there!  It is permanent and something like a sleeve or any large piece should be done by an artist,not some boob that can trace a piece of flash.  Maybe just my opinion, but 2 things you don't cheap out on are tats and any type of plastic surgery.  The effects of both will be with you for life.  Plus how are you going to cover a bad artist's work when it's something like a half sleeve?

  4. Go to your favorite 'skin arcade', and check out some of their flash. If that don't melt your butter, check out the art section at the library, or, here on the net. You might want to check out, or for further inspiration. When you see what ya GOTTA have... you'll know it.

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