
Opinions on bi-racial relationships: Support it or not?

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I am a Caucasian female who happens to like an Asian. He's a great guy but I don't know how to approach this situation. I don't know if he likes me. I am so shy and would love nothing more than for him to ask me out. How can I hint to him without coming off too forward? I know this is actually 2 questions but please help me with some advice and give me you're opinion on whether or not you support bi-racial relationships... Thank you to everybody who answers!!




  1. I'm for them,I married a man of a different ethnicity. Talk to him like you would anyone else. He's just human like all of us...attraction is about chemistry not color. If he likes you then he likes you,if not oh well....move on. Its no different because he's an asian!

  2. I support bi-racial relationships they are beautiful :). Try an ice breaker like just asking him how his day is going and simply ask if he would like to hang out with you sometime. It's informal but still lets you spend time together. Guys are slow, if you don't say something they will be a clueless pack lol. "Really? You like me? I never knew" and here you have a blimp going across the sky saying "I like you" :p.

  3. Go for it, you dont often see White people with Asian people, so i can understand why you mightbe a bit worried, there is absoutely nothing wrong with it, good for you, for being so open minded and loving all races

    A question for you now! Has he shown any interest in you? If he has, just ask him if he ever wants to meet up on your own one day, or back to yours (not for s*x or anything, i mean just to chill) start it as afriendship, im sure if its meant to be it will eventually develop into one, atleast by then you will have more confidence with him.

    Im shy, so i know how you feel, but thats what i would do,

    Good luck hunni, and let us know how it goes


  4. lol I'm a white female, and my girlfriend is japanese. There's a double whammy for ya. Don't care about what other people think, go for it. Ask him if he'd like to go out for coffee or to the movies.

  5. Bi racial relationships are awesome!


  7. You sound very young, and if that is true, then it is probably just the fact that this guy is young as well, and maybe really shy.  I believe the the first and best approach is to become his friend before you do anything.  Since you are also shy, it might be really difficult to express any of your feelings without seeming forward, unless you try an approach that is harmless. Are you students?  If so, then maybe you could approach him for instance, if you see him in the library, go and ask if you could sit at his table.  If you see him in the cafeteria go ask if you can sit at his table.  Stuff like this. If in fact you are not students, then whatever the location you frequent at the same time is the best place to strike up a conversation.  Talk about the news, for instance, how incredible you think the Olympics are, and the stuff you have seem about China.  He might be Chinese, but just saying that he is Asian doesn't mean he is.  Anyway, think of ways to talk to him, and little by little, he might come around and start the conversations first.  When that happens, then he might ask you out.  But this is probably something that will take time.

    Now with respect to the bi-racial relationships.  It seems like a really low issue on your priority list.  First of all, you do not even have a relationship with him, and secondly, it is the first thing you think about when you are discussing him, then you might not be ready for any relationship that is simply (skin deep.)  

    Relationships generally develop on their own, regardless of race, nationality, religion, whatever, and the other issues come later (that is of course, if there are issues.)  How do I feel about bi-racial relationships?  I believe that it is difficult to choose who you will fall in love with!  I have had two marriages.  My first husband died in VietNam, he was (ethnically -- Black). 1979 was a tough time for a white woman to be married to a black man.  My second husband was a Cherokee Indian.  He is still alive, but we are not together any longer.  I did not choose these men because of their ethnic backgrounds, but rather because of the relationships we developed over time.  Their races had so little to do with any thing about them, it was their personalities, their spirits, their love of life, and their love of me, that made my choices for me.

    I hope I have answered your question.  Do not make race the first criterion of any relationship, it will be a big mistake.  Look at their character, and their soul.  That will tell you who they really are.  Which is more important than anything else!  Unless of course, they are a murder, or child molester, in which case, nothing matters except putting them behind bars!

    Good luck with this situation, and remember, become his friend first, and the rest, if it is ment to be, will happen naturally!

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