
Opinions on breaking a 10 yr old horse??

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering what all of your opinions are on breaking a 10 year old standardbred mare,,the owner is going away and i would like to ride her,,,,thanks :)




  1. sorry but i dont quite understand the question

    but you shouldn't break a horse whether it be a toy or real

  2. never...

  3. I'm sorry, but unless you are, or unless you pay a professional to break this mare in, I don't think you would be able to do a very successful job. At 10, she would be pretty set in her ways.

    I don't mean to sound rude or harsh or whatever if I do, because I don't mean to, but do you even have permission? This sounds like something the owners should be handling, not you. At any rate, how long are they going away for? Breaking a horse in and then training them to be a suitable mount takes TIME. It's not gonna happen in the space of a couple weeks.

    Just enjoy bonding with the mare. Standardbreds are a gorgeous breed; I should know; I have two! You don't have to ride her to enjoy her company ;)

    Again, I apologise, since you're probably a professional and know all this anyway, LOL!

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