
Opinions on education and sports?

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Do u think athletes should get proper ed before going pro? basketball players should at leat a yr in college/

some young athletes graduate from high school





some college for the rest

the should stay for something to fall back on if they get injured


choose money over being smart

also should it be forced




  1. Yes, I think college should be for education not the sports factories many have become.

  2. Yes, they should get a proper education because most athletic careers only last for ten years or so.  This can be even shorter if they are injured. The big teams are using them to make millions.  I don't know if it should be forced but the players should start thinking more long-term.

  3. Great question, and some excellent answers that I have read. Education, should be the first priority

    of colleges, but alas, it is not. Greed is key. The Deans, coaches, assistant coaches and all who have anything to do with a very good athlete are on the take. No matter what we say, think or do, it will all come out the same. A few will go on to become great legends of sporting events, and sadly, many will end up in trouble. Such a waste.

  4. I think there too much emphasis on athletics and too little on real work and real education and real life. It's dream life too make 5 million and play a sport; but the truth is, it's rare.

    But the pro clubs will take you regardless of your that tells me a lot about the standard of these clubs. Dumb is okay if you can play, right?

    Wrong. When you can't play anymore, dumb is just dumb. And there are many overpaid athletes (pro) who can't put two words together or write a literate sentence. So I would rather have smart citizens, rather than a nation of movie stars and athletes, wouldn't you?

    If you've ever been seated next to someone famous, you'd know what I mean...all that is discussed is one's fame, or looks or whatever. Athletes and movie people are very self-centered and self-involved.

    Forced/ Forced to do what? Get an education? No. Please make space for people who want an education ...

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