
Opinions on going to a community college?

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After graduation I plan on attending a community college and then transferring to a 4-year university. Is this a smart choice? Do you think if I took summer classes & a full year I could transfer in just one year?





  1. Yeah, its a smart choice.

    Sorry, i dont think you could transfer in one year if you did summer courses. You would have to complete transfer and general education requirements and that is a good amount of credits you need to finish.

    All students that i know of (and i know a lot since i go to acommunity college) stick to the 2 year plan and still take summer classes. That way, they can spend their junior and senior year at the 4 year university getting their major. After all, the 2 year community college is supposed to be like the first 2 years at the university...

  2. A smart choice? Most certainly. It saves you money while you complete your general studies, this is what a lot of people do and have done.

    As for graduating within a year and a summer, that will be hard to do. I take it you are going to CC for your general studies, that is about 60-63 credit hours. So if you take 12 during the spring, 9 during the summer and then another 12 during the fall that is only 33 credits.

    Even if you did 15 during the spring, 15 during the fall and 12 during the summer you would still be 18 credit hours short of graduating.

    Stick to the the two year plan, much more viable. 12 credits for Fall and Spring and 9 during the summer.

  3. yea thats a good idea. I mean you can go to a community college which is alot cheaper and get all your basics done and then transfer to the 4 year school. Great plan

  4. Excellent plan.  Plenty who can easily get into even prestigious 4 year schools are doing it to save money eg

    Many 4 year schools will let you transfer with as little as 12 credits eg Rutgers.



  5. Yes I think going to a community college is good (much cheeper than university) I'm not sure about the transfering I think it depends on the school

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