
Opinions on these names!?

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I have some boy and girl names listed below. I would like you to give your opinion on EACH NAME listed. Tell which one you like best from both list please. Constructive critisism is what I'm looking for. If you think it's bad, express in a mature way.


Spencer Zane

Drake Kale

Dragen Thorne

Brayden James

Memphis Blaze

Creon Knox


Trinity Grace

Sienna Paige (Sienna, pronounced sea-on-a)

Mirena Ivory (Mirena, pronounced mi-rain-a)




  1. Sienna Paige is perfect! Two names that I adore, together and sounding great!

  2. I like Brayden James for boy and Sienna Paige, really nice strong names

  3. BOYS

    Spencer Zane --- I love both of these names. It isn't my favorite combo together, but I still like it.

    Drake Kale --- I think it flows weird. It's hard to say with a K in both names.

    Dragen Thorne --- I really don't like this name at all. I'm sorry.

    Brayden James --- I think this is a nice name, but pretty popular.

    Memphis Blaze --- I like Memphis, but not Blaze.

    Creon Knox --- I like Know, but not Creon.


    Trinity Grace --- I don't like either of these names.

    Sienna Paige (Sienna, pronounced sea-on-a) --- Great name. I lo e it.

    Mirena Ivory (Mirena, pronounced mi-rain-a) --- I love Mirena, Ivry is just okay for me.

    Savannah Rose --- I love this name.  

  4. BOYS

    Spencer Zane- ok, but not a big fan of zane

    Drake Kale- like both names but not together

    Dragen Thorne- i think he would get teased! :(

    Brayden James- my favorite!

    Memphis Blaze- i like memphis a lot, but would prefer memphis blake

    Creon Knox- reminds me of crayon box, sorry.. how about Creon Kane?


    Trinity Grace-beautiful!

    Sienna Paige (Sienna, pronounced sea-on-a)- Perfect!

    Mirena Ivory (Mirena, pronounced mi-rain-a)- ok... but i prefer the first 2

    hope this helped,

  5. BOYS

    Spencer Zane- cool

    Drake Kale - drake yes, kale no

    Dragen Thorne- dont do it

    Brayden James- nice, overused

    Memphis Blaze- like a newspaper headline

    Creon Knox- very cool


    Trinity Grace- love it

    Sienna Paige (Sienna, pronounced sea-on-a)- thats different. no body will ever get the name right though. spell it like u mean it.

    Mirena Ivory (Mirena, pronounced mi-rain-a) like the birth control and soap> nope

    Savannah Rose is great.

  6. I don't like any of the girls names.

    Brayden James is about the only boys name I like.

    Only one that really flows well together.

  7. Knowing your last name is important, but without it, here's my opinion: Boys: Spencer is fine but not with Zane (too much zzzzing going on there!). Drake is pretty harsh. I think the rest are almost bizarre (sorry...). Girls: Savannah Rose is very nice but the rest sound like you are trying way too hard. Good luck.

  8. Spencer Zane - I really love the name Zane, but not Spencer. It sounds a bit nerdy, no offense.

    Drake Kale - I like Kale too, but I don't really like Drake. It's okay though. I like Blake better.

    Dragen Thorne - When I hear/see the name Dragen, I think dragon. He'd definitely be made fun of. And Thorne..I think thorn. You don't want people to associate fire-breathing monsters and painful, sharp structures with your child.

    Brayden James - I like it, but maybe James Brayden instead? Or Bradley James?

    Memphis Blaze - Didn't Bono name his daughter Memphis? It might be a good middle name. But I don't like Blaze at all.

    Creon Knox - They might be okay individually but not together.

    Trinity Grace - I like Grace alot, I've just never liked Trinity as a name.

    Sienna Paige - I love it.

    Mirena Ivory - I love it even more than Sienna Paige :)

    Savannah Rose - I like Rose, or Rosella, and Savannah's okay.

  9. Spencer Zane-Like them both, especially Zane but not together

    Drake Kale-really like Drake, don't like it with Kale

    Dragen Thorne-sounds like a romance novel or a soap opera.  I do like Dragen though.

    Brayden James-Brayden looks like a feminine spelling and I am not a big fan of the name.  James is a great middle name for a boy, it goes with just about anything.

    Memphis Blaze-Isn't this a sports team?  Also, Blaze was a famous female stripper.  Just say no.

    Creon Knox-is that superman's Dad?  Creon is not good but Knox is cute.

    Some suggestions.

    Spencer Knox

    Drake Knox

    Dragen James

    Trinity Grace-too religous for my taste.

    Sienna Paige-modern & sporty sounding, its cute.

    Mirena Ivory-Don't like it.

    Savannah Rose-pretty, elegant, southern sounding.

  10. from your boys list i really like Brayden, and trinity is beautiful. I could take or leave the rest. good luck  

  11. I love Savannah Rose and Brayden James. I also like Trinity Grace and Sienna Paige,Don't really like the others, sorry! Good luck!

  12. Okay, I'll start with the girls.

    Trinity Grace -- I don't really like the name Trinity; it strikes me as a choice used mostly by those of a low socioeconomic status.  Grace is a very common middle name.  Overall, the combination flows really well, but it's a bit boring.

    Sienna Paige -- This is my favorite from your list.  Sienna is very feminine; while it's popularity is definitely on the rise, it's not too common yet.  Paige provides a spunky contrast to the soft and flowy Sienna.

    Mirena Ivory -- I don't usually go for made up names, but I'll admit that Mirena is very pretty.  However, as someone pointed out, it's also the name of a brand of birth control pill.  Would you consider Marina or Milena for a similar sound?  Ivory's odd, but I don't mind it in the middle name slot.

    Savannah Rose -- This one is very pretty, but kind of boring.  Savannah's gotten really common recently, and Rose (along with Grace) is now one of the most common middle names for baby girls.  I'd much prefer Susanna Rose or Savannah Wren.

    Now for the boys' names:

    Spencer Zane -- This is my favorite from your list.  It's totally not my style, since I usually go for classic names instead of modern-sounding ones, but both names sound very cool, and the combination flows really well.

    Drake Kale -- I think it generally sounds best to pair a one-syllable first name with a longer middle name (or a one-syllable middle name with a longer first name).  Drake and Kale are okay names, though they make me think of male ducks and green leafy vegetables.  They don't sound good together, though.  Maybe consider something like Kieran Drake, Callum Drake, Drake Mason, or Benjamin Kale.

    Dragen Thorne -- This is a lovely name for an elf, a wizard, or a forest founding, but not a regular human child.  I don't like either Dragen or Thorne, but if you insist on using one of them, please don't put them together.  It's a good rule of thumb if you decide to use one unusual name to pair it with a normal name.  Christopher Thorne is kind of cute.  Dragen Michael is almost cute (though I am having a tough time liking Dragen as a first name -- Drake or Draco would be better).  Dragen Thorne makes me want to laugh.

    Brayden James -- This combination sounds nice.  As a general rule, I'm not fond of all the Jayden/Brayden/Kayden names.  I'd prefer Brandon James or Aidan James, though both of those are rather common.  While Brayden isn't as common, it's trendier, and that's almost worse.

    Memphis Blaze -- It sounds like part of Tennessee is burning down.  As a general rule, when one part of the name is an English word, the other part should not be.  So, Michael Blaze is okay and Memphis Blake is okay, but Memphis Blaze is odd.

    Creon Knox -- I might like this even less than Dragen Thorne.  It sounds almost alien.  It reminds me of Krypton, Neon, Klingons, and Fort Knox.  I'd definitely avoid Creon if I were you.  I'd probably avoid Knox as well, since it's now strongly starbaby-associated.

    Best wishes, and I hope this helps!

  13. My favorite boy names are Spencer Zane and Brayden James.

    Memphis Blaze sounds like a sports team.

    Crean Knox sounds like a comic book villain

    Dragen Thorne sounds like a character from Harry Potter

    Drake Kale just doesn't flow

    For girls, I think I like Mirena Ivory the best. It's unique but is't so wacko that people can't easily figure out how to pronounce it.

    Trinity Grace has too many religious connotations.

    Sienna Paige is pretty. But based on the spelling, I would pronounce it see-EN-a. If you want it pronounced see-ON-a, then you should spell in Sionna.

    Savannah Rose is very nice.

  14. i like alot of the names by themselves but not together. sienna paige is cute. actually paige is a middle name for one of my choices. i dont like ivory. mirena is beautiful though. tinity grace is absolutely amazing.

    as for the nephews name is brayden james i love it. but brayden is getting very common very fast. as far as the first names all of them are amazing. i dont really like any of the middle names though. my brain is having a brain f**t right now or i would give you some suggestions for middle names but im dumbfounded right now.

    in all...all of your names are original which is always good. good luck.

    if you want find my question and give me some suggestions on my names! =]

  15. BOYS

    Spencer Zane -- no.

    Drake Kale -- no.

    Dragen Thorne --

    Brayden James

    Memphis Blaze

    Creon Knox

    sorry, i don't like any of your boy names.


    Trinity Grace -- love grace hate trinity.

    Sienna Paige (Sienna, pronounced sea-on-a) I love itt

    Mirena Ivory (Mirena, pronounced mi-rain-a) -- i love this one too.

    Savannah Rose -- Beautiful  

  16. BOYS

    Spencer Zane - not my style, a little preppy

    Drake Kale - bad. two 1-syllable names, both with an "ay" sound

    Dragen Thorne - Thorne I like, Dragen is too made up

    Brayden James - I'm not a fan of the -ayden name trend. James is nice classic

    Memphis Blaze - I see Memphis more as a girl name and Blaze is too soap opera

    Creon Knox - I don't understand this one at all, haha. and Knox is Angelina Jolie (I like her, but not that name)


    Trinity Grace - Grace is a really common middle name at the moment. Trinity is a bit tacky and reminiscent of The Matrix

    Sienna Paige - I like this, though I'd probably choose a different middle name

    Mirena Ivory - mee-ray-na? different, but not bad. Ivory is not my style at all

    Savannah Rose - lovely, sounds like a Southern belle

  17. The only boy name I like is Brayden James.

    Trinity Grace is alright. I like Sienna Paige, but only pronounced as the celeb, Sienna Miller's name. There would be too much confusion if you spelt it Sienna and tried to get everyone to pronounce it See-on-uh.  

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