
Opinions on what to do about worms in my fry tank...?

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I noticed I have these little white worms in my tank, mostly around my gravel. After some research I believe they are flat worms or planaria... My problem is I can't just take everything out and clean it as suggested. It is my fry tank and it is almost impossible to remove all of them because there are over would also be hard to vacuum without sucking some of the fry up. So...what should I do? I read that they don't really harm the fish so would I be okay waiting a few more weeks? The fry (guppy fry) were just born last week so they are still very small. I added a couple of ghost shrimp the other day, do you think they will help the situation or is that not their area?? Confused and irritated...please help...Thanks a bunch.




  1. You really don't have many options because anything you put in the tank will probably eat your fry. I suggest that you just wait till your fry get a little bigger and then maybe consider putting a catfish in or cleaning the tank. The worms should not cause to much trouble but you know just in case

  2. I would get a plako to eat the worms,and by the way,CAN I HAVE ABOUT 100 OF THOSE LITTLE FISHIES?!?!! just kidding,I totally would though if my mom would let me but i has only a ten gallon tank...

  3. Get one of those bottom feeder fish to eat up all the worms

  4. I'd beware about the ghost shrimp, the ghost shrimp can kill your fry. If they are what you think they are, and they don't harm the fish, then wait till you can take the fry out and then remove the worms by cleaning.

    My other idea is that you invest in a few Black Kuhli Loaches because they love worms and snails to eat. Someone else can either agree with that or not, I'm not familiar with this type of worm.

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