
Opinions please TTC#1???????????

by Guest58059  |  earlier

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okay so for the past few days i have felt like i just work up from a LONG night of drinking. head hurts cramps stomache feels like i wanna puke but nothing, sore throat, i think slight fever, plus i'm super tired and slitghly dizzy. i know i'm not sick, also my last AF was july 13 we've ben TTC for 4 monts now and i've never felt this before. and i have taking a test it cam back neg :( i gues what im really wondering is how good are my chances that the test was wrong .

also sorry for the spelling i'm at working trying to do 10 things at once and spelling isnt my best




  1. You can get false negatives, take another test in a week or so if you feel that still hasn't given you an accurate reading for what your feeling (the cramps etc) then you should get a blood test :]

  2. Sounds like you are getting the flu. Sorry but if you seriously think you are pregnant you are going to have to wait a couple more days to test if you are just late today.  

  3. I am not quite sure how you can not be sick when you have a fever and a sore throat.  Aren't they kinda like illness symptoms?  Fever usually means illness.  You can wait and test again in a few days, but it really sounds to me like you are sick.  Hope I'm wrong...if I'm not...hope it works next month! Baby Dust**************

  4. You could possibly be pregnant but your levels are just not high enough to register on a HTP wait a couple more days and try taking another one.If you don't want to wait that long and want to know for sure go to your doctors and have them run a blood test which is let you know for sure. Best of Luck :)

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