
Opinions please. my poem?

by Guest61906  |  earlier

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Sorry posted this once but only one reply...

When waiting for that particular time

To look into your innocent blue eyes

Only for you I would save my smile

You would always look surprised

Knowing that you had a routine

Its was always the same time

The sentence you’d express to think you’re keen

Always had me wanting more

Your eyes and my naive eyes met

I fear I was exposed to you

Nothing I could hide anymore than you

In a way which no one knew

When the time you would always come

I found my self pondering about you

Thoughts through my mind where you’d be

Though the night made me feel blue

Still waiting for the special moment

You came into my view at that time

Seeing you everything stopped

The anxiety went I wanted you to be mine

Those innocent eyes where a lie

Showing me you life in front of my crushed heart

I knew this was time for goodbye

Even thought I was breaking inside

My heart will be locked for a while

Looking into your eyes wasn’t allowed

But for one last time wouldn’t hurt

Yet I will not mess with what you have vowed




  1. you made me cry!  Very Gd

  2. thats really good and nice its well writen with ryhym and rhyme,i can feel it,it speaks wonders to me actually,when i make a vow i am true to my word i mean what i say,but when you listen to spoken words like that it reaches out as if it touches you deep inside,some where far away i can hear it now whispering to me teasing me,lol,i shant carry on,i might start writing again and that would be good getting creative keep myself occupied it gets lonely sometimes especially when you shut your self away,i must go now but i will give you a star,i am gonna bookmark it,peAce,

  3. That was very..........I can was very beautiful...never give up on what you are doing because you are good at it.

  4. this is amazing!

  5. It's beautiful xx Well done x

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