I am 22 years old. All my life, a lot of things I do display complete opposites, meaning I can be extremely good at something or extremely bad. For example, when I bowled once I got 6 strikes in a row, and then I got 4 gutter balls in a row. When I played baseball, I can get home runs and then strike out. When I take test, I can do extraordinarily well on them or extraordinarily poor on them. When I took an IQ test at school, they said they couldn't measure it because it was very high and low. Even with certain everyday things, I do this: some nights I sleep 8 or 9 hours and some nights I sleep 2 or 3 hours. I can sometimes be very good at socializing and then I can be horrible. Its always been like this in everything. Why am I like this? Is there something wrong with me. I had a normal childhood and I am in graduate school now, so it didn't effect my ability to function.