
Opposite of many Jealous Cat questions

by Guest55613  |  earlier

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Ok, so I have Chase who is 4 years old and I have had him since he was 10 weeks, and got Joey who just turned 1, when he was 12 weeks. In the last couple of weeks Joey (the little one) will meow angrily and bite Chase's neck or back if I am paying attention to him (petting, holding, playing, etc). They both are neutered and get lots of love and attention since they are indoor cats and I currently am staying home. If anything Joey got more attention since he was a baby. My question is have any of you dealt with this, and what can I do so Joey will quit attacking Chase (it's still slightly playful, but only happens when I am petting Chase)? I do not want to have to lock anyone in a room alone or a cage, just possibly behavioral techniques or something else I could try.




  1. I think this qeustion are like the Jealous cat qeustions..

    well n e ways i don't think you can doo anything besides like you said it's not harmful so you will not have to lock Joey up.  It's normal and it's called jealousy. can't you pet both so they don't get jealous.

  2. Hopefully Chase will bite him back and teach him a lesson.  This is normally how cats learn when it is and is not acceptable to bite.

    If Joey does this I think you should ignore him completely.  If you punish him, he will only learn to fear you.  Don't give him the thing he wants.  Pick up Chase and leave the room with him, and shut Joey out.  Eventually he will learn that his behavior causes you to leave, which is an undesirable effect.

  3. You need to let them work it out. If you interfere the one may get even more resentful. Eventually they will be best of friends  but they need time

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