
Oprah and New Age Movement. Do any of you watch Miss new age Oprah?

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Her show has lost a lot of ratings due to the strange stuff she is talking about on her show. Her guru looks demon possessed or at lest in a deep trance.




  1. I do not like to watch Oprah anymore.  She has gotten so high and mighty and full of herself that I just cannot stand to watch.  Some of her shows are good. I like that she does all that Charity and everything but it is all like look at me and how wonderful I am because I do all this.    I just do not like her overall attitude now.  She has changed.

  2. No I do not watch Oprah. Occcassionaly would when I had to or forced to. Spouts too much nonsense and touts herself and productions. Doesn't welcome criticism or openness to other thinking, her way or no way, plus she was just a fluff show like tyra

  3. No.  She lost me after "The Secret".  I will say that I was given it as a birthday present by a huge Oprah worshipper.  I was on bedrest with twins (16 weeks) and would read ANYTHING due to boredom, but I could only get about 20 pages into "The Secret" before I just couldn't take anymore.

    I think Oprah is a good person.  I think she has done some wonderful things.  (I especially love how she has motivated people to start reading literature rather than just chick lit).  But I think this enlightenment journey she is on is just a little too coo-coo for cocoa puffs for me.  Maybe if I had more money than God I'd find nonsensical ways to waste my time and money too.  But as it is, I live in the real world.

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