
Oprah has stated more than one time?

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that she believes there is more than one way to get into heaven. She doesnt think Jesus is the only way. What is your feelings on this and do you feel that our Lord is the only way or is there something the rest of us dont know? Im asking seriously no hateful answers please just give me your honest opinion




  1. Hey  you know the answer to that, stay strong

  2. I Follow God....Not Oprah

  3. She is not a narrowminded delusional fundie....good for her

  4. Well that's what happens when you are too rich and missing the road;  cos Oprah these days has no direction at all.  JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONE AND ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN; I don't care what Oprah or people like her says.

  5.   Proud,  Scripture calls Oprah a liar because there is only one way to the Father and heaven.

       John 14:6    "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

      Oprah is deceiving millions of people and possibly leading them to eternal damnation by spreading her heresy. The following Scripture tells me that Oprah has more problems than she could ever imagine believing the way she does.

       John 3:16-18    " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 “He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."  

  6. Oprah has also suggested using the Netipot...and it actually works pretty well!

    Although I have to say I don't agree with her on this one. You can't win them all, I guess.

    "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6

  7. Jesus is the only way to heaven read  John 3:16

    Oprah  is Ms leading a lot of people her money or "good deeds" will not get her in to heaven if she continues to do so then their blood will be on her hands she can buy as many  cars for people or houses that will not amount to any thing when judgement day comes and she is facing God

  8. Good for her for being open-minded and not a brainwashed bigot.  

  9. I think that anybody who takes Oprah seriously has serious mental issues.  She is nothing but a TV personality, a trained chimp fresh off a lobotomy could do what she does.  Her religion is just another cult for rich people and anyone else dumb enough to follow her and she shouldn't even be given the credibility of being discussed in the same paragraph as the Lord.

    I don't hate her but I don't have even a microscopic particle of respect for her.

  10. It could be Oprah doesn't want to turn away any of her fans, which would occur if she was a heavy handed bible thumper.  

  11. Just because Oprah says it doesn't make it true. She's turned her back on God and is basically worshipping herself and her money. [I saw a clip of one of her shows where she said we are all our own gods] Jesus is the only way...the Bible is the word of God...Oprah is just a human who God has greatly blessed but she won't acknowledge Him. The word of God is 100% true, and Oprah's words don't stand a chance against that.  

  12. If that is what Oprah states, then it is some of the worse advice you can give on television to millions of viewers.  

  13. Oprah is not a Christian.

    And yes, Jesus is the ONLY WAY to get into heaven and the ONLY WAY to avoid being sent to eternal h**l.

  14. Then She is wrong; Jesus said I Am the Way,no One comes to God Except the Holy Spirit draws Him-Her:Jesus Christ Blood Sacrifice is the only way acceptable to God;

    Applied by Faith to a Sinner's heart;Gives Right Standing before Almighty God;

    No One that I am aware of ever said their Blood was shed for another person;

    Without the Shedding of Blood their is no Remission of Sin;


  15. she's been influenced by Marianne Williamson, unfortunately.  

    Edit:  What's with the trash talk?  She is NOT g*y, and yes she is a Christian--who are you to decide whether she is or not?  She has stated she is, but she has gotten sucked into the New Age movement with Williamson.  At least she hasn't become a Scientologist!

  16. oprah is calling jesus christ a liar.christ the lord is the only way.

  17. Jesua said "No man comes to the Father but by me." Oprah may be held accountable for using celeb status to deceive.

  18. Imagine for a moment that you are God.  You've created a lot of different people, each with their own culture and language.  You know that they can't even begin to understand your true nature, or the true nature of the universe.  So how would you explain it?

    Might you not tell different cultures different things?  If a culture was warlike, would you explain it in terms of battle?  Of victory, surrender, and a fight (such as in Christianity)?  If a culture was more peaceful but suffering, would you not explain how to end that suffering, as is taught in Buddhism?  It's not that you are different from place to place; it's just that your people are.

    Does that make sense?

  19. Oprah has the right to her opinion. I don't agree that there is a heaven, but whatever.

  20. Lets see how true Oprah is

  21. Oprah has more opinions than the Dalai Lama...

  22. She must think she can buy a ticket in.

  23. Christ(Word of God) is the only way.  Jesus'  last name was not Christ.  Christ was in Jesus as Christ must be in us.  Anyone who accept the teaching of Jesus and live by it, accepts Christ even if they have not heard of Jesus himself.

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