
Optical Audio Connection Issue?

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I recently purcachased a Plasma that has an Optical Audio output. My receiver likewise has an optical audio connection...Is the Optical Audio cable supposed to be SO hard to "plug in" and come out so easily? Doesn't seem like this thing fits in either hole like you'd think a "plug" should? What am I missing? Thanks.




  1. Yep, that's the optical cable alright.  It's plug has two square corners and two rounded corners, like a capital "D".  So that's how you plug it in.  But it doesn't take much at all for it to come out.  

    If coaxial digital is a possibility for you, I'd go that route.

  2. I have had absolutely no problems with my optical audio (toslink) connectors falling out.  Are you sure you put them in correctly?  The part of the connector is shaped like a "D" so you have to turn the connector so that it fits properly.

  3. Well is it working?  This depends highly on the cable but most of them are pretty standard/uniform.  But it's a digital signal carrier (in the form of light) so it will pretty much either work perfectly or work terribly/not at all if it's not properly plugged in.

    And hopefully, you're not trying to put a digital coaxial cable into it.

  4. Should fit right in. But there are 2 types of connectors - a short one and a long one. Long one should be for portable devices.

  5. The end of the optical cable that hooks on the back of my DirecTV HR20 receiver tends to pop out. This is because the jack has a flip up cover that is in the way. In my opinion this is a bad design. The Home Theater receiver fits fine.

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