
Options for becoming parents?

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My husband and I are looking for info on all our options, because my doctors tell me that (due to my crohn's disease) my body would not be a "safe" body for a baby, so therefor, i cant have a baby. Now we are starting to look at other options, but not really sure where to turn, look or what all is out there? Not really wanting to go out of country (the US) but thats not totally a NO....

thank you!!!




  1. Adopt, it's the right thing to do if you can provide a stable, loving home for a child.

  2. I have two adopted children who are now 17 and 21.  They are wonderful young men but they do come with their own special personalities and struggles.  I'm not certain if Chron's disease shortens your life, but I do know if affects the quality of life.  Think about the fact that adopted children come with the heartache of having already lost a set of parents and it would be a double whammy for them to lose another.

  3. adopt or surrogate

  4. Surrogate works best if you want the baby to actually be from you or your husband..but i'm not sure if crohn's effects your eggs ? Adoption is also an option, there are a lot of children in need of loving homes here in america so i see no need for going out of the country. Each state has infants and toddlers up for adoption, all you have to do is call your local agency and they will give you all the information. I wish you the best of luck.. ;D (p.s. i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for adoption)

  5. I have Crohn's Disease also. And I am a mother to a very healthy and happy 3 yr old boy!  I would try to get a second opinion if I were you.  I recently asked my OB/GYN about having a second child and her advice to me was that I should be as symptom-free as possible first, and that they would work closely with my Gastro Dr.  Good Luck!!

  6. Well, the first place I would start at would be a second opinion and even a 3rd before deciding anything this serious. Then, greive for the child you didn't have...seriously. Then look into state adoption through foster care. You can adopt/foster children from 1 to 18 years old in any state. You can also state your preferences, such as boy or girl, age, and medical factors....though every stipulation you place on whom you will take in will, of course, extend your wait time.

    There are many children in foster care in the US, waiting to be returned home or to be adopted. Personally, I have always wanted to adopt, so it wasn't an issue for me, but looking back, I am so very thankful that I couldn't conceive....b/c that would mean that our wonderful little boy might not have been here. This is a free or nearly free program through DSS/CPS. It takes about 1-2 years, depending on various factors. I wish you well, whatever path you choose!

    <<adoptive mommy to 1 year old through foster care.

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