
Or there any horses yet to be supplimented for the English Derby?

by  |  earlier

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or was there a dead line?

do you know of a good win or each way horse(s) for theDerby?

thanking you.




  1. I think the deadline was midnight last night- You gotta fancy New Approach if the ground is good/good to soft after Bolgers spectacular U-turn yesterday. He obviously feels hes got a great chance of getting the trip

  2. I love the Derby. I fancy the favourite, It is the essence of top class racing,

    first run in 1780 and it still the race everybody wants to win world over.

  3. Yesterday was their last chance to supplement at a cost of £75,000 per horse.  Three horses took the opportunity - RIVER PROUD, CASUAL CONQUEST and DOCTOR FREEMANTLE.

    Final declarations are 10am on 5th June.

    I think I may have an each-way flutter on KANDAHAR RUN.  My boss has been talking him up since April (he knows Henry Cecil very well) and I'm not one to ignore a free tip!

  4. Heres a list of the runners..I dont know what I`m backing yet, I`ll post later

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