
Oraganic farming is better than chemical farming? Why?

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Oraganic farming is better than chemical farming? Why?




  1. The only thing better about so-called organic farming might possibly be the prohibition of growth hormones, and those have been prohibited as dangers have been revealed, anyway.  It takes as much or more fuel to distribute "organic" fertilizer (animal waste) with its bacteria and parasites as it does chemical fertilizers.  Pesticides and insecticides provide crops that are about 95% insect free, rather than 95% insect infected.  Herbicides have also improved markedly in the last 50 years.

  2. I personally think it is something meaningless. the standards change from time to time. As far as I know u can add Dolomite to ur crops. but still Rock Phosphate is prohibited. whats the point? besides how can u totally isolate ur garden from other lands which use chemicals? whats the guarentee?. It says if u have to add cow dung to the crop cow has to be fed with organic feed only. Are they practical? Can u totally separate ur garden from chemicals? This does not mean u can ues chemicals indescriminately, but still we dont have to run away from it so desperately either.Do we? why not take the middle path?

  3. i dont agree the yields are much lower because controlling grass and weeds are a problem and with organic farming you till the soil therefore creating potiental for errosion of the land so we may starve the yields are already lower due to grass weeds and insects and the topsoil is going to erroid my point is there are pros and cons in both methods but as of right now with organic farming we cannot produce enough food to feed the worlds population so my question to you is do you want to save a few insects or do you want to feed hungary childern

  4. you do not burn up all the fuel putting fertilizer into the ground...i was watching a show today on earthbound..they say they save alot of oil by not doing that..also the ground is better use everything either as food or mulch and use less water  because you arent scrubbing the produce to get the chemicals arent killing everything good or bad to grow something edible

  5. why would you want chemicals in your food??

  6. There is less petroleum use because synthetic fertilizers tend to either be derived from petroleum or use a lot of petroleum in their manufacture. Both methods use petroleum applying fertilizers. Both methods also use raw manure as a fertilizer but with organic ag the use of raw manures is heavily restricted and composted manures are much preferred.

    there is far less erosion of top soil in organic farming because of the use of green manures/cover crops. it is rare to see an open plowed field on an organic farm because this means erosion and one thing organic farms work hard to prevent is erosion.

    Organic farms grow soil. A well managed organic farm will have a net increase in soil over a couple of decades. A conventionally managed farm will have a net loss of top soil, even those farms using no till (though the loss of soil on a no-till farm will be a lot less).

    organic farms must follow rules that make for a better life for the meat animals. organic livestock cannot be caged and must be allowed outside daily, this is not true of CFO's. This makes for healthier animals that do not depend on antibiotics to stay alive until slaughter.

    GMO's are not allowed in organic farming. Considering there is more and more science (some peer reviewed) questioning the safety of ingesting GMO laced foods this is very important. GMO's have never been adequately tested on humans nor are they labled so we literally do not know what we are eating. With organics you know.

    Organic farms have higher yields, by up to a 1/3rd, in adverse conditions such as drought  than conventional farms  more. With climate change drying out a lot of the farmland in the world this will become ever more important for our very survival.

    Organic farming is not (yet) a one size fits all form of agriculture. So this will be far easier for all people around the world to do. It is impossible for a subsistance farmer to afford all the chemicals, GMO seeds, gasoline/diesel, a tractor and harvester in order to compete in conventional farming and so they can sell their crop for money that will not be enough to feed and cloth the family. much easier for a subsistance farmer to afford heirloom seeds, fertilizers he/she can make on their own farm, hand tools and human labor. With this he/she can raise crops to feed and cloth the family and the local community

  7. organic gardening is beter because you aren't changing the echo balance by killing the good helpful insect along with the bad with pesticides. Nature will take care of it's self if it is balance, and you aren't ruining the soil, water etc.


  9. it doesnt pollute the environment as much

  10. its just better apparently...

    for the enviroment..and people

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