
Oral Chelation.?

by Guest45341  |  earlier

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I want to buy some oral chelation but am not sure what the best brand is? Does anyone out there know?




  1. Truth be told, any answer given here will just be personal opinion (I can give you my opinion if you'd like). There are many higher quality companies out there that are readily available and well priced... just make sure the company has a good rating with either the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) or USP (U.S. Pharmacopoeia), as those are the main quality assurance organizations (USP is for the U.S., GMP is for the U.S. and worldwide).

    That being said, have you discussed this with a doctor? Chelation therapy is a very invasive process that can do more harm than good if you don't need it, so it is definitely recommended to discuss it with a licensed practitioner before starting such a process. Good luck!

  2. Unless you have had a test come back positive for high levels of heavy metals, chelation is generally not advised.  (You can have a hair sample tested by mail which will show if toxic levels of mercury, chlorine, iron, aluminum, arsenic, copper, lead, cadmium or nickel exist.)  Even then, because of metal "dumping" into the bloodstream, it should be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

    A natural, gentle form of chelation involves nothing more than drinking aloe vera juice and taking long baths in water and epsom salts.

    Another natural option  is a volcanic substance called "Zeolites" which is showing good results in research studies with autistic children.
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