
Oral Vit. K Instead of Vit. K Injection--Anyone Try It With Their Newborn?

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I'm trying to find information about giving a newborn oral Vitamin K instead of the typical Vitamin K injection routinely given in U.S. hospitals. Has anyone requested the oral dose instead of the injection? Did you encounter any problems? (by this, I mean with availability, hospital resistance, etc.). Any insights or tips would be appreciated.




  1. I am doing the oral this time. I think the injection is too much for a newborn. You can also take vitamin k and if your nurse, it will transfer to the baby

  2. My son had the shot. My daughter had the oral. We had to request it. My doctor and babies doctor okay-ed it. Still they had trouble getting it for some reason. I think if I had it to do over or had another baby I would do the shot. The oral was a huge dose and she was gagging and not wanting to take it. It took over 4 minutes because she was fighting. The shot is done in seconds.  

  3. We went that route; there was a little "Well, I'm not sure if the hospital has that available, hrm" reaction, but they had no problems finding it when presented with "Oral vitamin K or no vitamin K."

    If I did it again I don't think I'd bother with it at all. It was rather a large dose of sludge for a newborn, and I really don't think they're meant to have anything via mouth save breast milk. I encourage you to do as much research as possible before making your choice.

    This: is of interest.

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