
Oral sugery guarantees?

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In April of 2007 my son had 5 impacted teeth removed, plus an activation chain attached to a upper canine tooth. It's a chain attached to an impacted tooth, so that an orthodontist can pull it down into place. Any way the chain has come off, and my question is: A-has this ever happened to anyone else, and B-should/or will the oral surgeon replace at no charge. I had another oral surgeon look at it and they wanted $1000.00 dollars to attach it. Insurance probably won't pay a 2nd time. My husband feels the oral surgeon should guarantee his work. Any ideas?




  1. i had the same surgery done i have 2 impacted tteeth with chains on them. the oral surgeon that put the chains on in the first place should re-attach them . .. Go talk to them aout it ASAP the tooth that "had " the chain on it might move and you want the chain back on their quickly.

  2. Well, as for the guarantee, no medical procedure can be guaranteed (ethically or legally.) As you understand, the body can be unpredictable, so no doctor can guarantee that an appendectomy will be 100% successful and no dentist should be guaranteeing any of the work. (Sometimes shady corporate dental offices will offer a price guarantee, but that's more for marketing.)

    However, good honest dentists should have good business practices! It sounds like something I would replace for free, but it is indeed up to the surgeon. Have you called and asked? And it's not uncommon for it to become dislodged, especially in the process of healing and tooth movement.

    I think all you can do is ask, but I suppose they do have the right to deny it. Hopefully they won't!! Best of luck

  3. I'd talk to the oral surgeon and tell him what has happened and ask what you should do. If he tells you to come back and he'll redo the tooth, I'd say, "I assume there won't be any additional charge for redoing the tooth, is that correct?" In this way you are telling him of your expectations as well as asking his advice. If you don't tell him your expectations, he is free to think he can re-charge you. In any event, having it done by a different doctor you know will cost you the additonal charge.

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