
Orange Force Soap Question?

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I have a question about a soap that I am using at my workplace. It is called Orange Force and we use it to scrub the food lines, clean bathrooms, etc. My supervisor told me to never touch it with your bare hands because it can burn through them. It never has for me but I am being careful and wearing gloves whilst handling it. So is it true that some soaps and sanitizer really have the power to burn through your skin?




  1. there are some cleaners that will easily burn through your skin. Orange Force is not one of them. that being said because the primary cleaning ingredient in orange force is citric acid, it can really dry out your hands through prolonged use. Wearing gloves is a simple way to avoid this problem.

  2. look it up online i never heard of that before that sounds creepy haha but mabye if you use it in a certain way or either that the supervisor is just messing with you

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