
Orange Home Max package?

by  |  earlier

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I have agreed (over the phone) with Orange to change to the Orange Home Max package for £24 p/m including calls, therefore they will contact BT to cancel by current agreement with them. I have since the phone call seen loads of complaints from customers in relation to Orange.

Please could anyone tell me if they are on this Orange Home Max package and if its any good. I am very tempted to cancel the order.

Any help would be appreciated! :-) Thanks.




  1. I've had numerous problems with Orange. I left them a couple of years ago because their service was so poor, but thought I'd give them a second chance late last year.

    Big mistake! I've phoned them 5 times in 6 months because of problems with service, billing etc.etc.

    I'd cancel it while you still can and go with the Sky package.

  2. Heya! I've heard bad things too, but we have this and it's been great for us. We have 3 computers linked to it and we have the occasional glitch which sorts itself within a couple of minutes, but apart from that it's fine. I think you'll find people have some problems with whichever company you choose!Good luck!

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