
Orange UK just told me that they are upgrading their network and that the cell I am connected too is...?

by  |  earlier

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...running at half power. I am wondering why this would be the case while the upgrade was taking place? Any information on this would be very useful.




  1. There's nothing wrong with your handset and I agree with the other poster about people on here not understanfding about this.

    Like any other transmitter (TV transmitters) mobile phone cell sites have to have their power reduced when having maintenance carried out on them. If it is possible to do so, the cell site would be switched off completely for a temporary period if other cell sites could cover the 'gap'. This would mean your phone would use a little more power when inthe range of these cell sites.

    Power is reduced as it reduces the amount of electromagnetic radiation that emits from any electrical equipment, (but especially transmitters) that any service people might get. The human body can only tolerate so much of this.

    In my experience you still get adequate reception on a mobile with 75% reception.

    What you seem to be saying is that you are happy for people to have an increased risk of cancer, just so you can get 'perfect' reception on your mobile? Pity!

  2. I had this but Orange also explained it in similar uncertain terms, was just told they were not running the network in my area at capacity and there was a fault, hence why I would normally get 4 bars signal in my house but had no network coverage for 3 days.

  3. call them and ask them to explain why your phone is running on half power and ask are they going to upgrade your phone  

  4. I love the answer above, like many answers on here it proves the general stupidity and ignorance of people.

    Yes, i'm far from perfect but i try to understand a question before i attempt to answer it.

    Anyway, i would imagine that orange have put in place a smaller mobile transmitter to keep some kind of service in place while the main transmitter is removed and upgraded.

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