
Orange contract mobile phone?

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hi i have placed an order with the orange shop online for a 12 month mobile phone contract, i placed the order a few days ago and recieved an email saying i would recieve the phone wednesday. i tracked my order online today and it says it is still being readied for dispatch, are the orange shop tough with their credit checks as i have been refused in the past and not sure wether they are actually going to allow me to have a contract?




  1. They do the checks before they complete the order, think about it how pointless would it be for them to prepare an order for someone that they couldnt/wouldnt give a contract to? Might not seem to time consuming for just your order, but imagine how many people they decline! You should get it on Wednesday if thats what they said, or a day or two later depending how good the royal mail are going to be this week

  2. I wouldn't worry. If you've got the message saying you'll get it on wednesday, you'll get it on Wednesday. If you'd been refused, you'd have known about it well before now. A friend of mine was refused an orange contract, but she was informed immediately after placing her order online. Placed online, they inform you immediately. It only takes seconds for them to complete a credit check and you wouldn't have been given a delivery date before refusal. They're not that tough with their credit checks, all they really want to know and all they care about is whether you can pay the monthly bill. My credit rating has always been c**p, yet i've been on an orange contract for almost a decade. The phones are delivered by courier, not royal mail, so it's usually sent out to the couriers Late monday/early tuesday, so you'll get it any time wednesday. My upgrade phone is coming on wednesday, and i believe the courier company they use now is parcelline. I've always found them to be reliable. Enjoy your phone! Which did you choose?

    EDIT: The Nokia N95 8GB is exactly the phone i have coming on wednesday too. its a fantastic phone apparently, and the reviews on it are very good. 8/10 was good enough to convince me to get it. Loved it on sight. If they've taken the delivery charge, you'll definitely get it on wednesday. They usually arrive around lunchtime, but be prepared to spend most of your day waiting around for it..

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