
Orange juice or Apple juice?

by  |  earlier

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I have both in my fridge.

Which one should I drink?




  1. Apple in the morning to get energy.

    Orange in the night to support cells.

  2. Apple,orange juice is for morning.

  3. Definatly Orange juice

  4. Apple is good

  5. Apple

  6. apple juice it has less acid

  7. i love both  of them but i prefer apple but u have not being living a life properly until u have tasted crannbery juice

  8. apple juice fur sure :)

  9. I prefer apple juice

  10. apple juice fo sho

  11. Be creative, I bet you will be the only person you know to mix both and drink em :D

  12. Orange Juice def.

  13. Apple juice.

  14. OJ

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