
Orange stains on my flute.?

by Guest31833  |  earlier

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there are orange stains on my flute its not from oranges but its like a bronze color. what is it and how can i get rid of it?




  1. I play it too, and those stains are usually rust from inactivity or over contact with water.  Usually you can rub it off with cloth, but if not you may need a new flute. Of course, it is trivial and you can keep the flute, but if you want it nice you should get it new.

  2. Rust stains.I'm not sure how to get rid of it on a flute,though...

  3. HI Ashley,

    The combination of metals that flutes are made of reacts differently sometimes.   What you are seeing... I am almost sure of... is the color of tarnish that is happening on your flute.  Once I had a flute that tarnished kind of green but I have seen the orangey tarnish on some flutes.

    You can use silver polish on the flute... carefully...  and it will come right off.   Use the creamy silver polish and a soft rag - like old t-shirt material.   Wipe gently until the tarnish comes off,  then follow up with the clean area of the rag.

    You cannot keep your flute from tarnishing... but you can wipe it after every use and it will stay cleaner longer.  Also, I ask my students to try and wash their hands before practicing or playing which will prevent the oils and acids from the skin from affecting the metal.

    Hope I was able to help.

    Thanks for reading.

  4. do you attend band camp? mmmmm......

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