
Orange streaks down the tub after bleaching?

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I've been trying to get the grime off the tub in our new rental all day. After soaking the tub in water and grime cleaner and scrubbing with a brush, I resorted to pouring bleach down the sides. Now, I have orange streaks running down the sides that don't come off. Can anyone tell me what happened and how I can fix it?




  1. I'm not sure what chemical reaction occurred, but I do know that you need to be really careful about mixing chemicals - especially bleach.  If bleach is added to a product with ammonia it causes a deadly gas.  Please be careful.

    Now, to clean the tub, try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  They really get things clean when I've given up hope.  If that doesn't work, I'd try Barkeepers Friend (you'll find it next to Comet Cleanser on store shelves).  Good luck.

  2. Sounds to me like the chemicals may have mixed and caused the orange streaks.  I would try Comet.  First, wet the entire tub.  Then sprinkle Comet and let it sit for about 15 minutes.  With a warm rag, that you don't mind ruining, firmly wash the Comet away.  Make sure that you use very warm, almost hot, water.  I had hair dye in my tub, and it took it right out.  good luck!

  3. quit using bleach -Soft Scrub is a great non abrasive alternative.  remember that a rental has had other owner who may have scratched off the protective layer leaving only porous (easily stained) material.

  4. Bleach causes oxidation so what you see is rust marks. You can get a commercial rust remover at the hardware store to remove the rust marks.

    Bleach would not be used to remove grime. Grime usually is dirt trapped in re solidified bar soap scum. Comet cleanser and a sponge is good to remove this. If your tub is fiberglass, I recommend Bon Ami instead as it won't scratch and allow more grime to stick into the scratch marks. Also, after cleaning fiberglass, it is good to wax the fiberglass with something like Turtle Wax, the car product.

    After you get the tub back to clean again, try using only liquefied soap products and not bar soap. It will make keeping the tub clean much easier for you. Also, after every use, spray it with Dow Basin Tub and Tile need to rinse it, either.  

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