
Orange tree help?

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can you take a branch off one orange tree and plant it (just like a rose bush?) and will it grow or do you plant them from seed




  1. Hi "I Am The Memmory of My Past",

    Actually, both methods of propagation are possible (with a caveat, see * below); however, there are also a number of other, more widely-used methods of propagating an orange tree.

    Some of the other methods include: budding; grafting; cutting; layering (which refers to the "plant-a-branch" method you mentioned); and rootstocking.

    The "plant-a-branch" method (layering) requires some preparation of the branch to generate adventitious roots before it is cut.

    * The caveat is that not all orange trees produce viable/fertile seeds to be planted (such as, the Navel Oranges which have no "seeds" within the fruit.

    Please see the link below.

    I hope this helps.

    Hiking Tony

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