
Orbs? Please read ONLY IF you believe in paranormal activity.?

by Guest67104  |  earlier

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For starters, my house is very old. My dad turned the attic into an upstairs for rooms. Mine was the only one with a lock on it. One time, when I was very little, I was sleepin in a tent in there on my bed, I was scared of the dark and my sisters were both gone and so I put a blanket over my tent so I would not be as scared. When I woke up in the morning, the blanket was folded very neatly and sitting next to the tent. My parents told me they didnt go in my room. And I know they were telling the truth. One other time, I recorded me when I was sleeping to see if I snore and when I played it, there was walking around my room and humming which sounded like a women. When I went to show my mom, the tape knotted up and didnt play.

So please check out these pictures and only look at the circled stuff which to me, seems like orbs.




  1. Well, the 2nd one, with the really big orb on the left, is definitely a spirit orb. And you're not hearing things, there is a spirit or two in your home, I can't tell how many. But it's female, older I believe, and she won't hurt you. I get a motherly or grandmotherly feel. The folded blanket was her way of telling or showing you that she meant you no harm, that you were safe. She likes you, looks out for you, she says not to fear, they won't hurt you.

    mmmm...after writing that I get the sense of three--three females. Like a mother and two daughters or something like that.

    Correction...they like you AND your family, the humming I get the feeling is an indication of how comfortable they feel with you and your family.

    peace to you

  2. the second one looks like it is smiling at you jumping on the bed.

  3. it can be a spirit or they can be spirits but you just better be carefull!


  4. yeah the big one look slike an orb. heres what.... you have that energy... youre sensitive... this stuff will always happena around you. ur special :) it is common though..... i wouldnt realte any of it to each other. you will just pick up on this stuff and its going on around averone all the time. they just dont see it. the blanket thing. only one explanation. a deceased loved one. they were caring for you. the humming.... its normal. its everywhere, or can be. dotn be scared by it, you arent targeted or anything. many of us have experienced all this stuff, and its exciting i think. take more photos and more recordings...... i guarantee you will find more.

  5. orbs are usually one of two things, when dust particles are caught on camera they show up in the picture as an "orb" but it's very far from paranormal. thats what you have in these two pictures. The other circumstance is actually excess energy from the earth, which is charged with electro magnetism. energy is everywhere, it's even what powers our hearts and bodies like machines. i wouldn't consider orbs paranormal, but the so called paranormal activity is as real as you and I. what we refer to as ghosts are recorded with scientific equipment everyday.

  6. I believe in the paranormal but not orbs, they are very inconclusive.

  7. -find references for orbs in google. There are beings who do not have physical bodies but light-bodies..appearing orbs. As our photo technology improved more and more appear in pictures. Just as ghosts and other dimensional beings cross our 3D plane these higher dimensional beings also "visit" our dimensions. These are always benevolent.

  8. a.) I used to think orbs are nonsense, but in one picture there is clearly a bright white orb over your face.  Then in the second picture the while oval turned into a black polygon.  Now I'm convinced.  There is no other possible explanation.

    b.) Your mother was in your room.

    c.) One of your parents folded the blanket so you could get air in the tent.

  9. The first one if you look at it someone might say it is from the camera but the odd thing is the 2nd one you have provided

    The camera is almost in the same position as the 1st one but the orb is different size and in a different position

    I defiantly think something is in your house but the weird thing is these might be good ghost's not bad, because they are probably just taking CARE of you.

    Look at this picture

    It sort of looks like the one you have but yours is dimmer

    This is explainable but they sort of match the orb in your picture..

    You should send it to a ghost researcher or a psychic and they can probably tell you

  10. I do believe in paranormal activity and encourage active investigation and research. Tapes do from time to time act up (knot, break, etc.) I suggest new tapes when investigating paranormal activity and even then they do run this risk. One time use CDs (and recorders) are a possible way to avoid that particular problem.

    It certainly sounds like (folded blanket and recorded sounds) like you experienced something unusual.

    However, it is possible that you folded the blanket yourself (like sleepwalking) and it is also possible that you heard a sound that was recorded that you interpreted as walking and humming (someone else may have heard something different).

    In regards to orbs these are usually caused by pixels not filling in properly on digital cameras and dirty lenses, flash reflections off of dust and other normal reasons on film and digital cameras. They were never regarded as supernatural until digital cameras created many of these effects because of early defects in the cameras (flashes not being powerful enough).


  11. those 2 on the first pic look like spots on da wall but da last one... I dont know bout the last one

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