So about December of last year, my friend came to my house for a sleepover. We were goofing off in my bathroom when we felt this cool breeze. The air was off and so was my fan. We didn't think anything of it, but we were talking about school, and I said something about falling. Right when I said " falling " my shampoo feel in my shower. That scared us alittle, but we forgot about it by night. Later, we were recording a show ( don't ask ) and the date flashed up when neither of us touched it. The really creepy thing was it was the wrong date. That really scared us, so we decided to go for a night swim. We were jumping in the pool and swimming around when I saw this shadow on my wall. I thought it was just my head, so I didn't say anything. Then my friend looked around quickly and I asked her what was wrong. She said it was nothing, but right when she said that, we heard the bushes moving and a thumping. I thought it might be my dogs, but both of them were in sight.