My pragmatic brother, said that while at Grandparents house (over night) he heard footsteps. No one living in house for about 7 years. No electricity, no running water.
Last night my husband and I went to the house with a night vision camera, (the green tinted one) and a digital camera.
We heard the footsteps about 10 mins after we arrived, until we set up equipment and left….did not hear them after we returned
In one spot, over grandma’s bed, there was a gray mist-like anomaly in every picture, above and to the right of her bed. Was not seen anywhere else in our pics.
Set up the camera, and left house, After returning,about 8 minutes into the viewing, we started seeing “orbs†one-fast from mid right to left..then, fast lower right to left…then coming at camera twice (a little slower). Orbs were bout 2 to 4 mins apart.
What do you think? I would download the footage, but I am not very literate when it comes to that kind of thing..