
Orc Shammy or Warlock?

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i have heard of the "random" button but i can't seem to find it anywhere. i was wondering if anyone could give me a good website or even give me a name for a male orc! and then theres the bit where i can't decide upon Shaman or Warlock! >.< please help!!!




  1. The random button is in the bottom right hand corner although this just randomizes your appearance.

    Locks and Shammys are very different classes. I would recommend creating one of each and playing them through to level 20 each and see which you prefer.

    As far as names are concerned just use your imagination. Z&#039;s are good in orcy names!

  2. warlock!  

  3. Shamans are great for soloing but they sometimes are kinda the odd man out within instances and raids, kinda like druids.

    Warlocks take longer to develop but are more rewarding in the long run and are much more respected in groups than shammys.

    as for names, give it some grotesque, dark name. You could also google names for orc warlocks if all else fails too.  

  4. The random button is under the character your trying to create.  
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