
Ordering from Amazon help?

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I want to order this DVD, and it says the Amazon price. But then it says "used and new" and shows a listing of different prices. What is this? Does it just mean I'd be getting it from someone else, rather than Amazon themselves?

I'm using, just in case it's important in anyway.




  1. That means you'll be ordering from an Amazon authorized reseller.  I did that once before - the guy completely ripped me off and others around the time (he had about 50 sales with positive feedback, which was when I ordered, and then stopped shipping everything to customers), but the good thing is, Amazon completely backs you and I got a prompt refund from them.  They hopefully found the guy and ****** him over.

  2. Get discount on ebay -

  3. You have to read it carefully to see exactly who is selling it, Amazon or a private seller - new or used.  I use Amazon all the time and have been very happy with them.

  4. new means its brand new. used means its used. yes you are getting from another company.

  5. the used one come from private people and are just as good. Just get the cheapest one if its in decent condition no need to waste money

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