
Ordering on-line at pizza question!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a member of "" which allows you to stack up points via entering pre-printed numbers under coke caps...been doing that for a while and it is actually a good site, it offers good rewards based on points earned but, anyways....I just recently purchased a Domino's pizza promo, with 333 points, it's a free med. pizza with 2 toppings / two 20oz. bottles of question is: If I enter this promo code on the Domino's pizza on-line order site, are they gonna require a printed copy of my promo number on paper or are they just gonna ask me for ID once I go there to pick up my "free" order?? I don't have any clue on how this goes 'cause..."" just gave me the "promo code" that I needed but, didn't quite answer that question and the few local Domino pizza sites that do accept orders on line don't really explain that in detail. Once I went in to order my "free" pizza I halted on that order 'cause as soon as I went in, I was on the "timed" order page.




  1. I would suggest calling the dominos and asking them...they would be able to tell you how that works at their store.

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