
Oregon Mountain Lions to be Exterminated, more than 2500!?

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This is not acceptable! Will you read this petition and sign it before its too late for these SHY creatures??




  1. well: you know about " Earth's Protection for Wildlife Organization they are there to save those indangered Animals & their Natural Habbitat together visit

  2. that's horrible, I'll sign.

  3. I tried to sign the petition through the link but it doesn't work.  Best to advise them to update the link so we can help.

  4. Tia, I still can't believe these idiots are trying to get this piece of legislation through to allow the hunting of this magnificent cat in Oregon.

    While I'm to the north in Washington, I will bring my voice to this cause and see what additional pressure I can create via work -- I'm a freelance writer / journalist and would be more than happy to crank out a few editorials putting the squeeze on the governor down there.

    Might not be a bad idea to try and rally a number of national environmental and conservation organizations to embrace this cause as well -- several of these are very adept at applying strong political pressure to regional issues.

    Good luck.  Keep us posted.

  5. I would try to understand why first before passing judgement!  Sometimes there is a need OTHERWISE other animal populations are detrimentally effected by overpopulation of another species.  Remember there has to be balance.  Also think about it this way.....your (meaning we as humans) houses are developed on some creatures habitat, your cars effect their lifestyles in some way either through polution or noise or making new roads into prestine wilderness areas....etc.  We as humans have offset these delicate balances in ecosystems so sometime we have to FIX it by reducing certain "thriving" species in order to maintain for the better good of all ecosystems.  Besides....the cat is not on the threatened or endangered list since the last time I've checked the federal registry!  Chew on that bone for now!

  6. That is terrible I'll sign your petition they have no right to kill wild mountain lions like that.

    I'll try to get other people to sign it

    I'll also sign the panther petition

  7. care2 is a good website for helping the enviroment and people who care about helping .

  8. I signed my friend. I cannot believe this is being allowed to happen, I am so sorry. I am also on Care2, the owner of , and fighting my head off to try to save the remaining Panthers, which aren't many, would you sign my petition as well? It's at . God bless, and please keep fighting the good fight!

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