
Oregon law. how long will a felony stay on my record?

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I got an assault 3 charge in 1996 it was a felony charge and I was trying to find out how long I had to wait before I could go hunting and carry a gun ???




  1. A felony will stay on your FBI record for life. It is ALWAYS accessible to anyone who knows how to find it. Anyone can go to the county court where you were prosecuted and look at the case. In addition, a records search in the county will show the arrest and conviction status.

    Criminal convictions are not like traffic tickets that drop off after a period of time.

  2. The felony convection will stay on forever, just like a misd conviction.

    A felony convection will prohibit you from ever owning a firearm.

    Many states have this provisions for people like you. A one and only time felony convection in the past. I suggest you check with the local chapter of Legal Aid (or the like) to see if your convection can be reduced to a misdemeanor, then maybe expunged from you record.

    The answer may be online, check your county court website for information, then the State Attny Generals website.

    An attorney will help you too, however it  will cost you for a simple question/answer that Legal Aid will give you for free.

    If this option is available in your state then you need an attorney to make sure the paperwork is filed properly.

    It's worth it for you to look into this. Good luck

  3. Forever !!

  4. Till you die...............

  5. It will remain on your criminal rap sheet but this is generally inaccessible to the public at large.

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