
Organic Farming Processes?

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What are the pros & cons of organic farming processes?




  1. Pros-----crops are raised without the use of pesticides and herbicides.

    Crops raised for food are healthier for you.

    Crops raised for food for animals are healthier, cows produce better milk.

    Organic farmers do not use processed fertilizers on their fields. The ones I know use fresh cow or sheep manure, spreading it on the fields during the cold winter and spring before planting crops

    Cons---Without the use of pesticides, crops generally are weedier. Sometimes the weeds are the invasive variety that may choke out the plant(s). Yes, weeds are considered pests, as well as insects that eat plants.

    Organic foods are more costly for the consumer.

    Organic seeds are more costly for the grower(farmer).

    Organic foods are more costly for the food companies to process. They have to pass the costs onto the consumer. The grower does not reap the benefits of the higher costs to the consumer.

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