
Organic chemistry question: Is the following true or false?

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Carbon can bind to a variety of functional chemical groups, only if none of these groups contain nitrogen.




  1. There is a family of organic chemistry called amides, amines, imines, all of which have N containing functional groups attached to carbon.

  2. FALSE!!!

    For proof, just look at all the protein in your body, all that protein is made up of Amino acids which all have the Chemical group NH2 bonded to a chain of carbon atoms with a COOH group on the other end of the chain most often, but always somewhere on said carbon chain.

    If Carbon didn't bond to Nitrogen or groups containing nitrogen, then for the most part, Life as we know it would be impossible, another common example of this would be the Ammonium Carbonate, a common smelling salt with the structural formula (NH4)2CO3, in which carbon is bonded to 2 nitrogen groups.

  3. false.

    carbon can bind to a lot of functional group that doesn't contain any N,

    take, for example, ROH or alcohol. its functional group is OH

    or RCOOH or carboxylic acid. its functional group is COOH

    and of course, there are the functional groups that DO contain N, for example amine

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