
Organic or conventional.......... ? can you be a vegetarian and eat organic apples?

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what about organic fire wood would you burn it?




  1. Can you be veg and eat an organic apple, sure as there are vegan organic farms that use plant and rock based composts and fertilizers and do not use any manure. Organic pesticides are mostly plant based and never animal based (except for soap which is almost always animals based-does that mean vegans should never wash?)

    That said, while conventional farms can and do use synthetic fertilizers, most also make good use of manure for fertilization because it works and is so much better for the soil than chemicals.These chemicals too often based on petroleum products which are getting ever more expensive. So to keep costs down more and more conventional farmers are spreading more and more manure on their fields and orchards.

    I would burn organic firewood, most firewood would be considered organic since the vast majority of it is never fertilized with synthetics.

  2. "can you be a vegetarian and eat organic apples?"  it depends how strict of a vegetarian you are.  

    As someone above stated.  organic DOES NOT mean no pestisides or sprays are used, it means organic rather than synthetic.  So if you are a strict vegan, and you cant stand the thought of animal by products being used on your fruits and veggies, then your not going to be eating organics.

    *oh hahaha!  I had wondered the same thing!  I've been  wanting to ask my vegan friend what he would feel if he (accidentally) ate a worm in his organic apple!*

  3. Organic means that the fertilizers and pesticides used have to come from "natural" sources.  It DOES NOT mean ogranic crops do not get sprayed, we spray organic crops all the time, usually more often as the "natural" compounds are not as effective as the synthetic ones.  Often the organic compounds we can use are heavy metals such as Copper.

    For fertilizers, we most comonly use animal products such as manure or fish emulsion.  The issue here is that manures in particular are a major health hazzard.  Remember the people killed by spinach last year?  The source was organic spinach.

    Now, if you are a vegan, concerened about any animal products involved in production, then you are better off with commercial production as virtually all organic systems rely on animal based fertilizers.

    As for firewood, wood is wood.  When it burns it pollutes the air.  There is always an adverse effect on something, no matter what you do.

  4. Organic Apple does not have snake in it! Like Eva and Adam found one! If Adam had known about 'Organic Insect Repellents' you and me would have been without cloths today. So, better eat some 'worms' which are full of proteins and good for your health, especially brain.

    As far as burning of organic wood is concerned, what difference will it make? You are polluting the environment any way.

  5. yes.....

  6. Organic means no pesticides. It has nothing to do with meat...

  7. There are two kind of vegetarians. The health kind, who try to avoid meat because of chemicals, so yes to both.  And ethical vegetarians who would prefer both.  Some extreme Buddhists called Jainists, will eat only fruit that has fallen to the ground believing it is immoral to disturb anything in nature.

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