
Organic solutions for a mosquito problem?

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Organic and healthy. Please don't ask me to plant this or that as I've no extra space.

I don't want to install a mosquito net as I'm staying in this house only temporarily.

Please no rubbing of icky stuff all over me.

Have I run out of options here, or are there any good alternatives I can still explore.




  1. go to wal-mart and buy some cheap gold fish and slip them into the offending pond. The fish will eat the skeeter larva and solve the problem in a couple of weeks. Also make sure you don't have a lot of standing water in your area. Mosquito larva can be happy in under an inch of water so make sure buckets, etc., do not have ANY water in them

    Buy mosquito netting shirts and hats, several outdoor clothing companies such as LL Bean carry such clothing

    Eat a lot of raw garlic-skeeter hate people that smell of garlic.

  2. Try  some peppermint oil. It works..break some leaves up in your hands and rub the oils from them on youself..Or you can get the peppermint oil....Oh and don't eat bannas!!  I hate those bugs too,if theres on mosquito in the area im in it surely will find me! I also have used tea tree oil.  Good Luck!

  3. Do you have room for a hanging basket?  I have no room either, but I have a Citronella plant in a basket.

    Also, I hear if you use pure citronella oil (not the one for lamps) & mix it with water & spray all over the place, it wards off bugs.  I hear if you do the same with peppermint oil, it works just as well & smells awesome.

  4. Use Listorine.  Put in a spray bottle and spray around door jams, outside  or where ever you will be at.  Usually works for a while and it is alot cheaper.   Good Luck

  5. figure out where they're coming from and deal with that first.... is there standing water?... a pond?... a creek?.... old tires?... lots of rain?.. puddles in the yard?.... rainbarrels?....

    there's been good results with carrying a fabric softener sheet in your pocket....

    since you're not willing to do anything to help yourself, why ask?...

  6. OFF makes a new bug spray called Smooth & Dry and there is no ickiness to it at all.  It can leave powdery marks on clothes though...

    Try to find the source of your mosquito problem, standing water nearby, and either ensure it gets emptied regularly or treated (put a screen over it or dose the water with small amounts of vegetable oil or biodegradable dish soap).

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