
Organization and going to work.

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I'm about the most disorganized person in the world, i left school in year 9 and stayed at home and did courses/ lessons from there. now i'm 18 and getting a full time job in 2 weeks. My sleeping pattern is out of place and has been since i left school (and it wasn't good when i went to school either) I've barely got the motivation to look after myself either, i was wondering has anyone else had this problem? did work fix this for you? i really don't want to go into work and feel like its not going to work out in the end

(ps sorry if i got this in the wrong category)




  1. Even if you aren't a person with attention deficit disorder, learning about how ADD adults learn to manage their lives might be helpful. The books Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction, by Hallowell and Ratey, could be a good start.

    As far as sleep schedules go, a few days of getting up earlier than normal will have you sleepy and ready for bed earlier than normal. Although at age 18, earlier bedtimes don't come naturally.

    Good luck!

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